Hey friends and family,
We are starting our first blog to introsduce to your the newest member of our family, Mr. Emerson Alexander Moore. He was born at The Woman's Hospital of Texas on September 17, 2008 @ 3:01p.m. weighing in at 7.0lbs and 21.5 inches. He is going to be tall like his daddy. Over the past 4 weeks we have learned a couple of interesting things about him. He is a sleeper...yeah! He has a dimple on the left cheek when he smiles just like his mommy. He is very sneaky when it comes to changing his diaper so be prepared to get squirted if you are not careful. He is definitely a cuddler especially in the mornings with mommy. He is very fascinated with Rubi and Scooter as they are with him. We can't wait for everyone to meet him. He is such an amazing, perfect, precious and sweet little baby boy. We thank God for such a miracle and for all the moments we have with him everyday.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
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